
2020 · Designer & IT Lead

As a designer and IT lead at Amplicon, I was the only employee focused entirely on all design and implementation of those designs. I frequently found myself working in Adobe, Illustrator, InDesign, and XD to work on my projects and reported to two managers who were primarily focused on other business functions. In this system my workflow was to first receive an assignment with some specs, create and review an initial concept with my managers, then execute the concept. My work was split between two sub-brands of Amplicon: AmpliconDist, and OnSiteCovid19Test.

AmpliconDist Overview

  • Brochure Design, Copy Writing, Research
  • Designed and wrote sales, marketing, and instruction documents for a COVID-19 business safety program.
  • Tools: Adobe InDesign

OnSiteCovid19Test Overview

  • Web Design + UI/UX
  • Built membership and appointment scheduling systems using HIPAA compliant, no-code solutions.
  • Tools: Adobe XD, Webflow, Zapier, Airtable, Calendly, Memberstack


Stay Safe at Work Brief

The original concept for the Stay Safe at Work Program was to create a turnkey solution that would allow businesses to have a full COVID-19 safety program at their workplace including a medical professional, COVID-19 rapid tests, and safety protocols all in one package. I was the primary driver in all aspects of designing the product including overall program design, graphic and layout designs for the marketing materials, and copy writing and editing of all program details. I also received iterations and feedback from my manager on designs and final copy was received from them as well.

First Pass

My initial concept for the program was to make it a friendly and helpful way for businesses to navigate the uncertainty of a global pandemic. The first version of the Stay Safe at Work Program was named the “Back-to-Work Program” and used lighter pastel colors and more casual and approachable language to achieve the desired tone.

Second Pass

The biggest feedback on the first pass was that the tone was too laidback. We pivoted the program tone to be more direct, a firm guiding hand that would tell the customer exactly what to do in unknown waters. This version was based on a version created by my manager which I took and refined the spacing, typography, and overall uniformity.

Third Pass

After a presentation to the CEO of the company, we got the feedback that he wanted the graphics to be “like a rescue helicopter.” I took this feedback to mean brighter and bolder colors that hold the viewer’s attention. I reworked the color scheme and used more color in the typography throughout the document to guide the viewer’s eye to key points.

Program Handbook

Once the design of the Sales Document was finalized, I took the design elements and adapted them to fit the in-depth handbook I had written for the program.



From all the content and work my managers and I had done came, a spin off sub-brand and minimum viable product for the program. I created mockups for the site, presented these to my managers to ensure they contained all the required functionality, and then built the website using Webflow, Zapier, Airtable, Calendly, and Memberstack.